Monday, October 31, 2011

The Illusion

This tale is so creepy, I have actually never shared it with anyone...until now. It bothered me so much that I couldn't even think about it for a long time. I didn't want to acknowledge it. But I believe enough time has passed that I can revisit it long enough to disturb you too.

Many years ago, when I was a single mom, I lived in a brand new condo complex. There were six condos in each building, three on the bottom and three on top. I lived in the bottom middle unit. The neighbors just to the right of me were a young married couple with no kids yet. I got to know them a little, but not much since I was single and didn't feel like I really had much in common with them.

One early evening when I was arriving home, I noticed a cute young guy sitting by their front door. I smiled at him and said, "hi" as I walked past. He smiled and said "hi" back, so I approached him and asked if he was waiting for someone. He said, "Oh, I'm living with my sister and her husband, actually. But I locked myself out."

Being the risk taker that I was, I offered to let him come over to my place and hang out while he waited for them to come home, but he declined and said he didn't want to bother me. I thought, "Oh, he's not interested. I'm being way too forward here." So I left him sitting there and went to my condo.

A couple of days later, I noticed him out front in the parking lot, hanging out by a truck. He smiled and waved and I smiled and waved. As I was unlocking my car, he called out to me and thanked me for inviting him to my place the other day. I noticed he had a guitar slung across his back in its case, so I said, "Oh, you play guitar?" He chuckled and said, "Yeah." I got all excited and said, "Me too!" So we talked music for a bit and he suggested we get together and jam some time. I was all for that and invited him to stop by any time with his guitar since I worked from home.

I was so excited as I drove off, conjuring up images in my head of hanging out with this cute guy and getting to know him better. Being the silly girl that I was back then, I imagined us falling in love somewhere in there and getting married and having a cute story. I love cute stories.

ANYWAY...some time passed and I didn't see him anymore. I started to get bummed, wondering where he was and why he wasn't stopping over and why I wasn't seeing him around anymore. I decided to stop by my neighbor's place and see if he was home since his truck was sitting in the parking lot. I thought perhaps if I formally invited him over, he'd actually come.

I knocked on the door and my neighbor lady answered. She seemed a little surprised to see me since I never just randomly showed up at her place, but she was friendly and invited me in. I stayed on her doorstep and said, "Actually, I was just stopping by to see if your brother was here."

Her smile dropped instantly and she looked a little shocked. "My b-brother? You mean Jake?"

I said, "Yeah?"

She hesitated for a moment and said, "Um...I, uh..." Then she put her hand over her heart and gulped and was just acting really strange. I furrowed my brow and watched her for a moment, wondering what was going on.

Just then her husband came up behind her to see what was going on and she walked away quick, leaving her husband standing there to deal with me, I guess. He asked me what was up and I said, "Oh, I was just stopping by because I haven't seen Jake for a few days and last time we spoke he said he wanted to come jam with me on guitars, so I was just stopping by to invite him over."

He furrowed his brow at me then and looked me hard in the eye for a moment before saying, "That's impossible."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Jake died like a month ago."

I just stared at him, completely dumb-founded. When I found my voice again, I said, "A month ago? He died a month ago? I just saw him a few days ago. I talked to him. I saw him more than one time. There's no way he...." I couldn't even finish my sentence. I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone. I was instantly sorry I had bothered to go over to their place at this point.

"Yeah, I'm sure he died a month ago. My poor wife has been so distraught over it. He came here to live with us for a bit while he got his act together, but he ended up getting a brain aneurysm and dying suddenly. It's just been a shock to the both of us, but especially to my wife."

I stared at the sidewalk next to the door where I had seen him sitting in complete disbelief. "But I - I talked to him. He was right there. He said he was locked out."

"Wow!" My neighbor exclaimed. "That' Yeah, he did that a lot. But, there's no way you saw him just a few days ago."

"Okay," I said, backing away. "Sorry to bother you." Just before I turned and fled back to my place, I called out, "Sorry for your loss."

When I got home, I sunk down into my couch and stared into oblivion for an unknown period of time. I kept picturing his face, his eyes, his smile. I kept thinking of his voice. Suddenly I recalled inviting him over, but he never did come over. He refused my invitation the first day and then suggested we jam on guitars, but I wondered why he'd even suggest it if he was never planning on coming over; if he was just a ghost now. I sat there wondering if his spirit could even enter my house and if at any point he'd suddenly disappear before my eyes or if I'd be able to see through him. I imagined all kinds of weird stuff and then freaked myself out and shuddered and decided I needed something to get my mind off of it, so I watched a comedy on TV and ate a good portion of the contents of my fridge.

About a week passed and I was pretty much done dwelling on my ghost encounter. It was evening, around 8:00 PM. The sun was down and I decided to go hang out at my parents' house. I grabbed my purse and keys off the kitchen counter and headed for the front door. My blinds had been left open on the long, narrow, rectangular window situated next to the front door. As I approached the door, I caught sight of a man standing on my front porch.

It was Jake.

I froze and the hair on my arms and neck stood straight up. I saw him just standing there very still like he was waiting for me to open the door, but he didn't see me. I immediately jumped out of view and stood with my back against the wall, panting as I tried to catch my breath. I was so freaked out. All I could think of was - what if he just walks right through my front door? Ghosts can do that, right? I grit my teeth and closed my eyes and said a little prayer - Please make him go away. Please make him go away. I don't want to see a ghost. After a few minutes, I got brave enough to peek around the corner so I could see through the little window by my door. There was nothing there, but I couldn't see the whole front porch area, so I tiptoed quickly to my door and peeped through the peep hole. There was nobody there. I drew in a deep breath and blew it out in relief, but I was still freaked out.

I thought I heard a noise behind me just then in the house, so I whipped around and frantically searched the space behind me with my eyes as best as I could in the dark. I saw nothing, but I was suddenly hyper sensitive to every sound and movement. Before I lost my mind completely, I ran around flipping all of the lights in my condo on. Then I ran to my room and climbed, fully clothed, into bed and pulled the covers up. I was so scared and felt so lonely and vulnerable then that I started to cry a little. Eventually, I fell asleep.

I never did see the apparition again, but I was always somewhat unnerved until my neighbors finally sold their place and moved to Tucson. At that point I felt like Jake's spirit would most likely follow them if he was still around and I never sensed his presence again.

But that has been my only up close and personal encounter with a ghost. I've never actually seen one or spoken to one like that - like it was a live person - since then. And I hope I never do.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Just Checking

A door down the hall opens and creaks.

I freeze, mid gulp, the frothy orange juice stuck in my throat, my eyes panning back and forth, listening, hoping it's my imagination.

I'm home. Alone. With the exception of my infant son who is down that hall, asleep in his room.

After several seconds of listening and hearing nothing more, I gulp the liquid down and slowly set my cup on my desk, breathing in shallow, silent breaths. I place my fingers on my computer keyboard and prepare to resume typing a medical report when I suddenly hear a door down the hall shut. It's very clear. There's no mistaking. This is definitely NOT my imagination. I can feel the look of worry plastered across my face now.

Gritting my teeth, I slowly back my chair out. I hesitate one last time and shut my eyes, my breathing becoming heavier in my chest. "Please don't let me see anything. Please don't let me see anything" I chant over and over in my head as I approach the doorway of my office, preparing to enter the hall and face whatever is (or hopefully isn't) there.

There he stood. Plain as day. The spirit that's been haunting this house since we moved in. I knew it was a man. I always sensed that. I could tell he was a spirit. He wasn't quite as solid as you and I. He was dressed very simply in brown slacks and a blue button-up shirt with brown loafers. He was a plain looking man. Nothing remarkable about his features. His hand was on the door handle...of my son's room. An instantaneous chill ran through me.

I couldn't move. I just stood there. Staring him down. He stared back. Expressionless. I gulped again and winced at the pain of the lump in my throat.

Just then the ghostly figure lifted his finger to his lips as if to say "sshhh", but there was no sound. I could feel myself nodding...involuntarily. I didn't move another muscle in my body. I couldn't. All I could think was, "What happens now?"

As if he read my mind, the ghostly presence turned and walked straight through the closed doors of the hall closet at the very end of the hallway. And there I stood, still frozen, trying to comprehend what just happened. Realizing I just saw something. A real ghost.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Here's The Plan

I've decided to get this Halloween blog going again since it's October and nothing gives me greater pleasure than scaring people half to death - especially little children.

Last year I got many of you hooked on a chapter story about the ghost of a murdered woman who used me to help solve the mystery of her whereabouts...only to reveal in the end that it was completely fabricated from my sick little mind.

This year I've decided to get you again, but this time I won't lead you on so long.

This year we're going to play a little game. You like games, don't you?


Each post I will tell you a tale. Then you get to leave a comment stating whether or not you believe it to be true or false. Don't worry. I'll give you the answer...

...but not until my next post. Whoever guesses correctly the most wins...


But at least you'll be able to say that you can see right through me and my lies. That ought to be satisfying...

And for the record, that last story was 100% true.

Now, let the fun begin!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Little Light Chamber Music?

Well, October has returned...and so have the hauntings. I never intended to return to this blog. I never thought I'd actually have more events to write about. I thought wrong.

The event was a happy one. It was a birthday party.

My parents had left town for their cabin in the mountains. A friend of mine wanted to throw a birthday party for her little girl and needed a nice yard to throw it in. I knew just the yard - my parents'. It's absolutely gorgeous with its lush green grass, a secret garden pathway running along one side of the yard leading to a fish pond with a waterfall and little wooden bridge, vines of grapes running along the back wall, hidden by mature fruit trees, and a ramada complete with plenty of seating.

My friend had an errand to run - some more party items to pick up, so I agreed to go on ahead and meet her there. I took my two daughters with me to help set up for the party since they were also guests. Upon arriving at my parents' home, I unlocked the front door and my girls ran toward the kitchen fussing at me that they were hungry and thirsty. I sighed and rolled my eyes. They're always hungry and thirsty.

"Girls, I'll get you a drink of water and a little snack, but we have to set up for the party, okay?" I said in a stern voice.

"But mommy", Sylvie whined. "I'm really, really hungry."

As I grabbed two glasses from the cupboard I reminded her that we had just eaten lunch and that there would be food at the party. I quickly filled their cups with a bit of cold water and set them on the table before them.

"Here you go. Now let me see what grandma has in her fridge here." I opened the fridge and looked around for a little something to keep my girls happy.

Just then I heard a few musical notes ring through the quiet. My mother has a grand piano in her front room and I very clearly heard notes being played. No real music, just about 4 or 5 notes played quickly in succession and then it stopped. I jerked back from the fridge, calling in the direction of the front room, "Girls! Get away from the piano and get back to the kitchen. I'm getting you a snack. We're not playing grandma's piano right now."

"We're right here, mom", Sylvie responded. My head jerked toward the sound of her voice. There they were sitting at the table, quietly awaiting their snack.

I froze. My skin covered in goose bumps. My breathing became shallow. My heart racing.

"You didn't play grandma's piano, did you?" I asked, a quiver in my voice.

"No mommy." Sylvie responded. "We were sitting right here."

And it was then I realized - there was no way they could have played those notes and run all the way back around into the kitchen in that few seconds. I would have heard them. I would have seen them running back. We were alone in that house, my two girls and I. Those notes were played by someone else. Something else.

Just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating, I asked, "Did you hear somebody play the piano, girls?"

They both nodded and said yes. Then Sylvie continued, "I heard a man playing grandma's piano, but it wasn't me, mom."

I shivered and swallowed hard. "What do you mean you heard a MAN?" I emphasized the word man. My racing pulse picked up even more speed.

Sylvie shrugged nonchalantly, "Well, I just heard a man, mom. Now he's walking on the stairs"

Gritting my teeth, I mustered up my courage and apprehensively walked toward the front room. My head remained rigid while my eyes darted about, scanning the room.

"Who's doing that?" I asked out loud.

"The MAN!" Sylvie shouted from the kitchen.

"SHHHH" I loudly whispered back.

"Who's there?" I repeated. "Come on. Who are you?"

I suddenly felt a cold chill. I swallowed hard, but stood my ground, hoping it would show itself to me or say something. Who was this spirit and what did it want? Did it have something to say to me? Was it simply trying to scare me? It definitely succeeded in that. I suddenly felt a chill and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. But that was it.

"Fine!" I stated aloud and began to walk back toward the kitchen.

Just then my friend called me from her cell phone and said she was just pulling up in front of the house. RELIEF! I walked quickly toward the front door, threw it open and ran out to help her unload her minivan.

And the party proceeded without further disturbance.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Relucant Medium - The Final Chapter

"Brandon?," I half whispered. There was no response. "Brandon!" I yelled and turned on my knees. He was leaning against the passenger door of the car - just staring, in a trance. I was wiping the vomit off my face with my sleeve and smacking my hands against my pants, getting my hands as clean as I possibly could. I managed to get up on my feet and staggered over to him, throwing my body against his. He remained frozen in his position, like a statue, not responding to me. I looked up at his face. "Brandon," I said again.

"Huh?", he managed, still staring in a trance. I sighed in frustration and turned my head in the direction of his gaze.

There she was. A beautiful ghostly figure, huddled near her lifeless body. She was gently gliding her pale, transparent hand over her face. Her long, blond hair flowing over her bony shoulders and down her willowy body. I mimicked Brandon's trance-like gaze. I couldn't look away. I only prayed she didn't look up. I just wanted to behold her for a moment. She lifted her hand and gently pulled her ghostly wispy hairs behind her ear, exposing a black hole in her left temple. I felt my eyes widen and my jaw drop. She had been shot in the head. My eyes surveyed down her bony arm, over her bony, pale fingers, to the head of her body poking out from beneath the ground. There it was, the same hole.

Suddenly I snapped out of it. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes with my free hand. My heart started pounding. "What now?" I thought. I pulled slightly away from Brandon. He suddenly drew in a deep breath and looked at me, snapping out his trance.

"What are you doing?" He asked in a groggy voice. I didn't move, only motioned with my eyes toward the car. Toward the door. He furrowed his brow, not understanding my cues.

I was afraid to speak. Afraid to make a noise. Afraid to disturb the ghostly figure crouched only fifteen feet away. I only mouthed the words, "Let's go". Again his look was puzzled. I jerked my head toward the car in seizure-like movements - trying to communicate without drawing attention. I finally saw the light go off in his head. He glanced quickly in the direction of the ghost, a look of concern on his face. Then he looked back at me to make sure this was really my plan. I reached behind his body and felt for the handle. I gently lifted it. He crawled in before me and I followed closely behind. I shut the door and locked it quickly, never daring to take my eyes off of the ghost. She didn't seem to notice. I blew out the breath I had been unknowingly holding.

"Now what?" Brandon breathed.

"Go", I whispered, staring straight ahead.

"Go?" he asked in surprise. "Are you serious?"

"Yes! Yes, I'm serious. GO! DRIVE!" I grit my teeth in frustration, keeping my eyes on her - Lisa.

"'re just gonna' leave her here?" As if she couldn't find her way back. She'd found me before. She could travel anywhere - do anything. She didn't need us. Besides, if she really wanted to, she could probably just appear in the car. The thought gave me sudden chills.

"Just frickin' drive, Brandon! DRIVE!" I shouted in agitation.

Brandon slowly moved the gear, notch by notch into reverse. I swallowed hard and drew in a long, deep breath, holding it, waiting in anticipation. How would she react? What would happen next? This was a gutsy thing - I knew it. But I had to get out of there. We started to roll backwards slowly, suddenly catching on something and stopping. Brandon pushed the gas pedal and the engine roared, sending us lurching backwards.

The pale, ghostly figure jerked her head up suddenly - her cold, black eyes boring straight into mine. A look of disgust. Every hair on my body stood at attention. My eyes widened in fear. I gulped hard. We continued to roll backwards, now turning as Brandon angled the car around to face the road. Lisa stood up and started to slowly walk towards the car, holding my gaze in hers. I was completely tense, every muscle in my body. My hands and feet like ice.

"Gah!" I released uncontrollably.

Brandon jumped, "What? What's wrong?" He shouted. Caught off guard.

"She's coming! DRIIIIVE!" I shouted in desperation. He threw the car violently into drive and hit the gas pedal with so much force we flew right out of there, flying over bumps, narrowly missing trees.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." I muttered over and over under my breath, cheering him on.

"Is she still coming?" He shouted. I jumped up in my seat and turned around. There she was, at a distance, still walking slowly towards us, a scowl on her face.

"HOLY CRAP! JUST GO!!!" I screamed.

And he did. He drove like a complete maniac, probably in a similar fashion to how I got us there in the first place. How she got us my body.

We reached the main road and Brandon continued to drive like an absolute maniac. I sat completely tense the whole time, my right hand clutching the side door - only half breathing. Finally we came down the mountain. We were down on main roads now, heading home. I looked behind us again. I don't know what I expected to see - maybe the ghostly figure still following behind, closing in on us. But there was nothing. Just blackness.

"She still there?" Brandon asked quietly.

"Uh uh," I sighed. I reached my hand over and touched his shoulder. He flinched. I pulled my hand back and he looked over at me, embarrassed, then clutched his head with his left hand, resting his elbow on the window ledge and continued on, staring straight ahead in a trance. I heaved a sigh and sat back against my seat, staring blankly out the window, trying to keep my head clear. Trying to push out the memories of what had just happened. We drove home in complete silence.

Upon arriving at my condo, Brandon and I simultaneously opened our doors, stumbled out and staggered toward the garage door leading inside. All I could think about was my bed. I just wanted my bed. We both staggered to my room without saying a word. I threw myself on my bed - dirt, blood, vomit and all.

"Don't you wanna' shower?" Brandon mumbled.

"Hmmm," I groaned.

Brandon sat down hard on the bed next to me. He laid his hand on my hair. "You're covered in lots of different crap, you know."

"Yeah, I know," I mumbled into the bedding. "I don't wanna' shower right now. I'm too tired." I threw myself over onto my back and stared at the ceiling. "Besides, I don't want to be alone. Not even in the shower."

Brandon nodded, staring off somewhere else. I don't know where he was, but he was clearly not present. And neither was I. He started to kick his shoes off, so I followed his lead. He crawled across my bed and reached for me. I pulled away.

"Let me get the lights", I sighed. I shut the bedroom door. And locked it. I didn't know what that would do. It just made me feel safer. I hit the light switch and staggered over to the bed, stumbling onto it and melting into Brandon's shape as he curled his body around mine and laid his arm across the top for security. I felt very safe now. I drifted off quickly.

I drew in a long, deep breath, my body stretching reflexively. I held the stretched position a few seconds and then released, blowing my breath out. I could still feel Brandon next to me. A huge relief. I heard him stirring and waking then too. He groaned and rolled over to his other side, letting his legs fall over the edge and sitting up in a slightly hunched position, rubbing his eyes for several seconds.

We both got up and stretched again, standing up now - facing each other across the bed.

"You okay?" Brandon asked. A look of concern on his face.

I simply nodded. But I worried. I wasn't okay. I wasn't okay at all. I was exhausted, physically and emotionally. I didn't feel any better after my long night's sleep. I felt sick.

"You hungry?," I mumbled.

Brandon nodded. "Yeah. Kind of. You?"

I shook my head no. Brandon laughed. "No? Then what did you ask me for?"

"Well, just 'cause I'm not hungry, doesn't mean you're not," I replied.

I unlocked the door and grabbed the door handle, but hesitated. I looked over at Brandon and raised an eyebrow. "Well, let's see what happens now," I said playfully, trying to mask my intense fear at this moment. The moment of truth. What was on the other side of that door? I had no idea, but we couldn't hide out in the bedroom forever.

I threw it open dramatically and stood there. I looked around at the family room before me. Silence. Calm. Nothing out of the ordinary. I heaved a sigh of relief. "All clear", I said and sauntered out, rounding the corner to the kitchen.

T-E-L-l t-H-e-M

It was spelled out on the fridge. I froze. I turned and bolted for my room screaming, "OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH!" I slammed the bedroom door, ran to my bed, jumped under the blanket and pulled it up over my head, sobbing uncontrollably.

I suddenly felt a hand touching me above the blanket. I threw it down and saw Brandon sitting there on the bed. A horrified look on his face. "What - just - happened?" He spoke his sentence in broken pieces.

"She's baaaack," I sobbed.

Now. This is where I will end the long, drawn out tale. It is now the night before Halloween and this could honestly go on forever, but you've hung in there long enough. And now I will simply finish by stating that after two days of contemplating and two days of torment by Lisa's ghost, I did go to the authorities and tell them what I found. I lied slightly. I told the police that my boyfriend and I were camping and came across the body. We were both taken into custody and questioned about the case. The body was found by our description of the location and the map Brandon drew. The body belonged to a young woman - 23-year-old Lisa Stinson. She had been kidnapped, murdered, and driven up there for her shallow burial near the lake.

Brandon and I were eventually released, having been cleared of any connection to the murder. Lisa's case is still a cold case. It has, to this day, never been solved. Lisa never did communicate to me any clue as to who could have done this. Apparently she doesn't know who did this to her.

I returned to my life and Brandon to his. I spoke of this to no one. I couldn't. Everything seemed to work out just right for my son to be with my ex during the times that I was finding the body and talking to detectives.

As for Lisa's ghost - I never did see or hear from her again. Once I reported the whereabouts of her body and she received a proper burial, she left me in peace.

Now scroll way down. I have one final thing to say to you all...

This story is completely made up! GOTCHA!!!!! HAHAHA! I know. Not funny. Not funny at all. But I had you, didn't I? Not one single part of this story is true - including Brandon. I've never had a friend like that named Brandon. I made this all up as I went along - chapter by chapter. Even Lisa Stinson is made up. Now, the two women pictured earlier in the story are real. They were murdered. I did some research for this story. But I honestly had no idea where this story would go until I was actually sitting and typing it.

Now that I've completely lost your trust, I will say - all other stories in this blog are completely true. THOSE were not made up. But anything as exciting as this story - never happened to me. Are you kidding? I'd be in a mental hospital right now if it had.

I hope you enjoyed. I hope you're not too mad at me. And I hope you'll come back for more next month as I begin a new blog - dating stories - The Horror, The Hilarious, The Hurtful, The Hopeless. I have so many crazy (but completely true) dating stories. I've often been told I should write a book. Instead, I would like to blog it because it's fun and gets my need for creativity out of my system. I am now working on a book. An actual book I would like to have published, so if you enjoy reading my blog works, then maybe someday you'll buy my books.

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Reluctant Medium - Chapter 5

Brandon just stared in complete awe. I observed him, smiling to myself. It was kind of a funny sight to see. I felt kind of cool at this moment. This was all unfortunately normal for me. Watching someone else frightened and awed by it was truly entertaining. I sauntered over and picked the book up, setting it neatly back on the table. "Believe me now?" I smirked. He didn't respond, so I glanced up at his eyes and noticed he was looking past me, his eyes wide. Suddenly I got the chills and the fear set back in.

"Are you...seeing something?" I asked, half curious, half horrified.

"'s walking toward the back hallway".

I grit my teeth. My heart started in. "Can you see her?" My voice was shaky now.

"Look", he said and pointed.

I shut my eyes and shook my head. "I don't wanna' see it".

"You won't. Just look, " he insisted.

"You better not be lying. I'll be so mad at you if you make me see a ghost!" I warned.

He just shook his head in awe and mouthed the word "wow". I finally gave in and turned around. I saw nothing. Brandon started walking toward the back hallway.

"What are you doing?" I growled.

"Following the footprints. Come on. She needs us to go with her".

I felt my shoulders slump. "What? How do you know?" I asked in an agitated tone. It felt like he was stealing my thunder. Could he suddenly communicate with this person now? What about me? As Brandon disappeared around the corner into the dark back hallway, I shook my head.

"Oh my gosh!" I whispered to myself. "Why am I upset? This is perfect. He can solve this and I can get on with my life".

The back hall light flipped on. "Come on! Get your keys! Let's do this!" Brandon called out to me. I rolled my eyes and threw my head back, then grabbed my keys and purse off the counter and followed. It didn't seem so scary anymore. Just annoying.

We entered the garage and I looked at Brandon with annoyance, "Well?" I challenged.

"I think we need to drive somewhere. Maybe she wants to show us where her body is", he said very seriously.

"Okay, are you serious? Is it telling you this?" I mocked.

"SHE! It's a she and you know it," he reprimanded.

"Okay, LISA", I said. "What do you want?"

"Lisa? Really?" Brandon looked at me in surprise.

"Yep. She spelled it out for me on the fridge today, didn't ya?" I said, rolling my eyes. I sighed and entered the driver's side, smacking the garage door opener and waiting for Brandon and...apparently Lisa to get in.

I was testy because I was mostly scared deep down and it's how I was dealing with my fear. I feared what we would find. I feared what would happen next. I feared this nightmare would never end. I feared word would get out and I'd be labeled 'the freak' after all of this.

We pulled out of the garage and left the complex. I pulled out onto Dobson Rd. and started driving north.

Brandon looked at me quizzically. "You know where to go?"

"Not really", I said, the rebellious tone still present.

"Okaaay. Maybe you should ask Lisa", he suggested.

I rolled my eyes and huffed, "Well, Lisa? Where do you want me to go?"

Suddenly I felt dizzy, sick to my stomach. My head felt full. Tight. I squinted and groaned, putting my hand up to my left eye and covering it. It started tearing up.

"You okay?" Brandon asked.

Suddenly both of my hands gripped the steering wheel tight. I leaned forward in my seat and squinted. But it wasn't me. I felt like I wasn't myself. My chest felt heavy. It was difficult to breathe...but not. It was difficult to focus, but I didn't really feel like I needed to. It was like something took over me. It's hard to explain. I suddenly signaled and veered off to the right, heading East on University Dr. I pushed the gas pedal further and stared straight ahead, focusing hard on the road ahead.

"What are you doing? You're like way above the speed limit. You seriously need to slow down", I could hear Brandon talking, but I couldn't respond. I had to just drive. Just go. I was like a horse with blinders on. I had a destination and I needed to just focus straight ahead.

I could hear Brandon calling out to me. I could feel him grabbing my arm, but my strength overpowered him and I gripped tighter on the wheel and pressed forward. Suddenly I didn't even hear him, didn't notice him anymore. I drove on.

I don't remember much about that drive at all. It's all fuzzy. I don't remember stopping at stop lights. I don't remember doing much of anything - just driving. The sun was setting now. felt the car pushing forward up a mountain slope.

"The lake? Are we going to the lake?" I heard Brandon say.

"Yes", I snarled back. I was surprised at my tone, but gritted my teeth tight and continued on, still under the control of something else.

Finally we arrived. I just felt it. I felt like we were where we needed to be. We had reached Canyon Lake, but I passed it and continued on a little ways. There was a small trail off to the right. It wasn't meant for a vehicle like mine. It was for off-roading. I drove a Nissan Altima. I turned off and started to drive through it.

I heard Brandon again, "Uhh. Where are we going?"

I ignored him. I felt agitated by his questions. I needed to get through and my tires were slipping around on the gravel, not moving forward fast enough like I needed them to. I gripped the steering wheel even harder, bore down harder on the gas pedal and growled through gritted teeth. "Come on!"

I could feel Brandon's hands on mine. I could hear him shouting to stop, but I couldn't stop. I kept on. I could hear the pelting of small rocks flying up, but I didn't care. I let up on the gas and then slammed it down. We flew up out of the small hole we had created and pressed on, going over bumps and narrowly avoiding trees.

SLAM! We knocked into a tree. I let up on the gas. Brandon threw the car into park. I stared straight ahead, surveying the area, squinting in the dark. Then I released my death grip on the steering wheel and got out. I was scared to death, but my feet were moving on their own. I was searching. It was like I didn't know, but I did. I got out and started walking into the area in front of the car, lit by the headlights. I turned around in slow circles, searching the rocks and dirt and leaves and needles and....suddenly I dropped to my knees and started digging with my hands. It hurt. I could feel the stinging, the burning, the aching, but I continued to dig.

"Whoa! Calm down! I'll help you, okay?" I heard Brandon, but couldn't respond. I continued to dig deeper and deeper, finally making somewhat of a dent in the compacted dirt.

"Seriously! You're bleeding! What the crap are you doing? Have you lost your mind tonight? You drove like a bat outta' HELL! I'm like amazed you didn't get pulled over or get us killed! I'm like trying to figure you out right now! I told you I'd help you, but you're like psycho right now. Seriously!" The words were running on and on. I only half listened to him. I felt bad and I wanted to stop and respond and reassure him, but I couldn't.

Suddenly I felt it. I felt something soft, but bony. I felt the flesh through the dirt. I was rubbing my hand over it. It was a nose. I was horrified. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. My hands continued to brush back dirt. I closed my eyes shut as tight as I could, fighting against this other force. I felt lips! I felt a chin!

GGGAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! I finally managed. I continued screaming.

I felt Brandon's arms pulling me back. He threw me back onto the soft earth and jumped on me. "What's happening? You're freaking me out! Seriously! Talk to me! Right now!" His eyes were wild with fear.

I growled and thrashed, trying to break free of his hold. I pushed him off of me, which wasn't difficult. He half jumped off of me, completely clueless as to what to do with me. I crawled angrily and forcefully back toward the hole I was digging, toward the face I was uncovering. "GET! HER! OUT! OF ME!" I screamed in spurts as I crawled.

"WHAT! What are you TALKING about?!" he shouted.

I continued digging, turning my head away and pressing my eyelids closed as tight as I could, growling and screaming. "Get her OUT! She's in me! She's making me do this! Get her OUT!"

I don't know what he did or if it was even him, but suddenly I felt lighter and limp. My arms gave out beneath me and I fell to the earth with a thud and a groan. I was panting hard, blowing the dirt out all around my face with my heavy breath. I started choking and sputtering. Brandon lifted me up and pulled me away. I turned and threw myself on him, sobbing uncontrollably. "Brandon", I moaned. The hot tears were flowing freely now.

"What's happening, Kristin?" he asked in a half whisper. His voice was shaking. I could feel his body shaking beneath mine.

"It's her", I moaned. "She's in the ground. She was inside of me, making me drive, making me dig her body up." I sobbed uncontrollably. I was nearly hyperventilating. I was crying so hard, I could barely speak. We just sat there, Brandon holding me - in shock- as I sobbed.

"I wanna'.... go....home", I finally managed in spurts.

Brandon lifted me up. I looked up at him, "Take me home", I moaned. But he didn't respond. His eyes were wide. His look one of horror and disgust. "What", I moaned.

His breathing was heavy. "It IS a body. Oh my gosh! It really is a body!" I turned around reflexively. I didn't want to, but my curiosity got me. I had been looking at things through her eyes. Not really seeing it or experiencing it as myself. I saw it. The face. The neck. Completely uncovered. It was barely starting to decompose. Still pretty fresh. This hadn't happened too long ago. My knees gave out.

"Oh my gosh" I mumbled. I felt a sick twist in my stomach. It started to churn. I clasped my hand over my mouth. "Oh my..." Suddenly I lurched forward and vomited on the ground by the body.

"OH!" I heard Brandon yell. He turned and started to walk away.

"No! Don't leave me!" I yelled and lurched forward and vomited again. It was uncontrollable. What had I eaten? When I thoroughly emptied the contents of my stomach, I started dry heaving. I couldn't stop. I tried to clear my head. Tried to get that image out. I will NEVER get that image out.

The Reluctant Medium - Chapter 4

There was silence on the other end of the line.

"Brandon, I've gotta' go", I sighed and hung up the phone before he even had a chance to respond.

I started to pace around the room. My mind was racing. I wanted to help this spirit, but I wanted to hurry and get it over with. I just wanted my normal life back. The weekend was running out. I needed to get my son back from his dad and I worried that either this would delay the process of getting this spirit back out of my life or my son would get dragged into it and then he'd be freaked out for life and sleeping in my bed until he left home in his late teens.

"Look, I've gotta' get my son in a bit here. I'd really appreciate it if you stayed away for a bit. He goes to his dad again on Tuesday night and then we can hopefully finish this up. I've gotta' go to the bathroom and then I'm leaving, okay?" I didn't even wait for a response. I walked briskly around the corner toward my bathroom. A few minutes later I emerged. The book lay there still on the floor, open to its popular new page. I breathed in deep and let out a sigh. Then I bent over, picked up the book and laid it back on the coffee table. I glanced over at the counter. My keys weren't there. I huffed and furrowed my brow. I was just about to reprimand the spirit and demand my keys back when I remembered they had been knocked to the tile floor in the kitchen during our earlier battle of wills. I held my breath and pursed my lips as I walked around the corner into the kitchen. "Yep. There they are", I said matter of factly, trying to mask the worry I felt that we might have to get into it again if I was going to get out of here. But alas, as I bent to pick up the keys, they stayed calmly in place and I retrieved them, clutching them tightly in my fist. I blew my breath out in relief and left.

For the next couple of days the house stayed calm and silent. No disturbances. No eerie feelings. Nothing. It was Tuesday late afternoon and my ex-husband called to tell me he would be arriving in about an hour to get our son. I was helping John pack his things for another night with his dad, a sick knot forming in my stomach as I realized it was going to be time to enter the Twilight Zone again. I wished I was going somewhere too. Maybe I would find someplace to go for the evening. Even if it was seeing a movie alone. But then I might come home to an angry spirit. I knew this thing could physically move things and touch me. The thought sent shudders through my body. The thoughts were swirling - all of the possibilities - trying to plan an escape from it all. Suddenly I heard my phone ring. I jumped and gasped. "Are you all right, mom?" my son asked, a look of concern on his face. "It's okay, mom. I'll come home tomorrow, okay?" He had no idea how good that sounded. Him being home meant peace in my life.

I walked briskly out to the phone and answered. It was Brandon.

"Hey, Kristin. How's it going?" he asked, a tone of apprehension.

"Good. Good. How are you?" I answered very nonchalantly.

"Really? Good? Is that ghost person gone?" he asked.

I sighed a long sigh. "Or, if you don't want to talk about it...." he started in again.

"No. It's fine. I can't talk right now. My son is getting ready to go with his dad for the night so I can't really talk right now."

"Oh. Okay." There was a moment of silence on the phone. "So, are you going to be talking to it again tonight then?" I heard the hopeful tone in his voice.

"I guess. That's usually what happens. There's still stuff to figure out, so...." My voice dragged off.

"So, do you like know the ghost's name?" he asked. What an odd question, I thought. I hadn't really thought about that part. I was afraid to make it too personal, I guess.

"It's name?" I asked, surprised. "No. I never really thought about asking it. I mean, I know it's a girl and I know it has my hair color".

"Oh my gosh!" he breathed in wonderment. "That is CRRAAAZZEEEEE!" He sounded out each syllable.

"Yep. Pretty much", I replied casually. "Well, I gotta' go. I've gotta' get my son off to his dad here and..."

Brandon cut right in, "Hey, I'm coming over, k?"

At this point I didn't care. In fact, I welcomed company. I was emotionally drained just thinking about the possibilities that lay ahead for that night. I told him to come on over and hung up the phone. I walked around the corner past the kitchen to the back hall where John's room was located and helped him pack the last of his items. The doorbell rang just then and I embraced my son, handed him his bag and walked him around the corner to the front door. I greeted my ex, gave John one last squeeze, looked him in the eye and said, "Hurry home, my little man". Then I waved goodbye and shut the door. As I turned the corner, heading back toward the kitchen for a nice glass of ice water, I saw it on the fridge. Spelled out in my son's magnetic letters:


I froze and held my breath. I swallowed hard, the ripple of chills moving from my toes to the very top of my head.

"Did you do that?" I asked out loud, a slightly upset tone. There was no response. "Huh? Did you?" I marched into the kitchen and messed the letters up with my hands. I huffed loudly and opened the fridge. I bent down in, retrieved the gallon jug of cold water and stood back up, shutting the fridge.


There it was again. Spelled out again on my fridge. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Oh my gosh! This is driving me NUTS! Do you have to do stuff like that? It creeps me out!" I half shouted. My hands were like ice, the sweat thick and greasy in my palms. The gallon jug started to slip. I realized my body was shaking. Too much of an adrenaline rush all at once. I sat the gallon jug on the counter and made my way quickly to my couch, not even feeling my legs. I finally reached it and just crashed right into it, laying there, motionless, suddenly very aware of my breathing - the house was so quiet and still. Suddenly I felt a tingling feeling on my head. My hair started to lift up off my head.

"Stop it!" I screamed and batted at the air above my head. "Stop touching me!"

Suddenly I jumped up off the sofa and spoke aloud. I knew she was there. I knew she was listening and we were going to have a word now. "Listen up. My friend, Brandon, is coming over and if you want me to help you, you're going to cooperate even when he's around. You cooperate and I'll cooperate otherwise you can just forget this whole thing. I'll ignore you. I don't care how aggressive you get. I'm not kidding. One thing you should know about me. I'm stubborn as Hell! I will have my way in the end! You hear me?" My heart was pounding, the adrenaline flowing wildly again. I felt powerful and yet vulnerable at the same time. Suddenly I threw my head back and laughed an insane laugh. I was insane. Truly insane. I fell back on the couch and moaned and groaned, rolling my eyes and shaking my head. "Why is my life so ridiculous?" I lamented.

Just then the doorbell rang. "THANK YOU!" I called out, throwing my hands up in the air. "Here he is", I whispered. "Remember what I told you".

I threw the door open and there he stood. My hero again. My only link right now to sanity - to reality. "Welcome to the crazy house", I said, raising an eyebrow. He laughed and walked in, grabbing me tight and lifting me up.

"What's up, ghost woman?" he teased.

"I'm not the ghost", I replied. "She's over there somewhere", I pointed to the empty family room.

Brandon nearly dropped me. I saw his eyes widen and watched his Adam's apple bob up and down. He wiped his hands on his jeans and nodded, looking around. "Okay. Okay. How do I know she's here?"

I took his hand and led him into my family room. I stopped just before entering and spoke aloud. "Well. He's here. Do something".

Nothing happened. It was silent. The atmosphere very still. Anticipation building. I rolled my eyes and looked about the room. I grit my teeth and sighed heavily.

The book suddenly slid a few inches across the table. I jumped slightly, still caught off guard every time by these episodes. "Wow" Brandon whispered and moved in closer. As he neared the coffee table, it slid to the end of the table and fell clumsily onto the floor, the pages falling open, as if it had simply been knocked off. I sighed with relief. Relief because at least I knew I wasn't totally crazy and also my story was now credible.